Dance Shoes, Apparel, Gear & Accessories!
… stylish, comfortable, affordable…!
Get in style with the latest designs in Dance Gear & Accessories:
Ballroom & Latin Dance Shoes & Apparel…
Urban, Street Styles & Hip-Hop Dance Gear…
Modern-Contemporary, Sports & Fitness Wear!
Welcome to . . .
Aficionada Dance Shoes, Gear, Dance Apparel & Accessories!
We provide the variety of quality dance gear and accessories to ensure comfort, heightened enthusiasm and contentment and your best experience in doing what you love . . . !

. . . see our variety in dance gear, shoes and apparel . . . .
. . . strengthen your dance core . . .

“Comfortable, Stylish & Stunning Dance Shoes”
“Nothing can make or break a great nite-out or major event than your choice of the most comfortable and sturdy dance shoes that can project your attraction from the floor up!”
Your Dance-Floor Specialist

“Dance Apparel & Dance Styles that exude your passions”
“Looking how you feel is a secret that encapsulate the connection between your environment and your soul . . . feed your passions from inside-out or outside-in with dance gear and apparel that connects you to your source and Unleash Your Passions!“
Chanel Your Heart & Soul

“Choose to Go and to be in the Place to Be….”

“Don’t be afraid to seek-out and venture into those places that allow you to make a strong statement and allow your presence to be felt – Go For It!”
Discover Who You Are . . . and Just Be Yourself!

“Select Dance Accessories & Gear that Pop!”

“Add that spark to your smile, mood and excitement with the right touch of sparkle, glitter and gold!”
Dare to Shine

Visit or Drop Us a Line
Don’t be shy . . . Let us know if you have any questions!
Hours of Operation
08:00 am – 05:00 pm (Store-Front)
08:00 am – 10:00 pm (On-Line Support)
09:00 am – 04:00 pm (Store-Front)
08:00 am – 08:00 pm (On-Line Support)
We are closed
(online services only)